Business Ethics

During the journey of Waguruwela mills spanning over four years we have followed the five concepts of diamonds making our institution shine, trustworthy, care and respect and fairness to all. Going beyond the concept of a farmer or a manufacturer or exporter we introduce values, quality products coupled with customer care and excellence. While professionally we are guided by Quality, and business ethics is our passion.

Waguruwela Oil Mills, over four decade journey we believe five diamonds which make us shining, Integrity, Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Caring and Respect and Fairness. We are not just a farmer, manufacturer or exporter, we make values, it’s not only about quality product it’s about customer care excellence. Quality is our profession, business ethics is our passion.

The Integrity, we are following conforms to certain internationally benchmarked standard and not for the certification purpose only, but for our own moral and ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all situations. Simply put we are true to ourselves and would do nothing that demeens or dishonors us. This is something about relationship among customers, suppliers and employees that makes this relationship unique and makes our brand also unique which makes integrity our primary value for our brand.

Trustworthiness, Waguruwela Oil Mills showing its commitment towards our customers, suppliers, and employees because business is win – win process and we always believe trustworthiness among the whole team as the easiest way to win.

Loyalty, we are loyal to our customers and stakeholders as we don’t use or disclose what is learnt in confidence for personal advantage. We safeguard the ability to make independent professional Judgments by scrupulously avoiding undue influences and conflicts of interest.

Caring and Respect We are caring, compassionate, benevolent and kind, and we help those in need, and seek to accomplish their business objectives in a manner that causes the least harm and the greatest positive goodness. We always respect human dignity, autonomy, privacy, rights and interest of all those we have a stake with in their decisions .We are courteous and treat all people with respect and dignity regardless of sex, race or national origin.

Fairness, we are always ready to serve a quality product by considering customer expectation. Then it became a business and we always demonstrate fairness in consistent business dealings and transactions. We also demonstrate fairness in customer complaints as well.


Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit or SMETA is one of the most commonly used ethical audit formats in the world. We have been audited since last year for Sedex SMETA 4 Pillars which includes Labor Standards, Health and Safety, Environmental assessment and Business Ethics.
We have been certified since 2017